Renzo Piano Building Workshop (9783955534219)

Works by Renzo Piano are distinguished by a unique interplay of functional, technical and aesthetic aspects. An architect with no recognisable trademark style, Renzo Piano has designed some of the most famous buildings in the world: the Pompidou Centre, the headquarters of the New York Times, the Shard Tower in London, the Whitney Museum in New York and the recently completed Palace of Justice in Paris. Renown as a master of construction technology, the Pritzker Prize winner uses the widest variety of materials and construction methods possible to create buildings whose designs are heavily inspired by location and function. This monograph now presents 13 of his works, all previously published by DETAIL. Extensive project documentation is accompanied by numerous photos, plans and construction details.

Product details

  • Hardback | 160 pages
  • 230 x 320 x 17.78mm | 1,132g
  • Edition Detail
  • Berlin, Germany
  • German
  • zahlreiche Abbildungen
  • 3955534219
  • 9783955534219
  • 28,360

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